Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Eruditious Antinomy

Though it's certainly cynical to believe that both political parties just take all our taxes, and then some, to pay off their own individual constituencies, it’s worth at least considering that at least when the Republicans are in power and cut taxes for the wealthy and funnel billions to the military that the country at least benefits economically by creating new jobs, higher GDP, more rich people plus arguably slight economic improvements over time for the middle and lower classes. But when the Democrats are in power and raise taxes and funnel billions to their constituency of unions, public employees, the educational system, politically correct scientists and the downtrodden, both real and imagined, the economy stagnates and no one does any better economically except those with a government job or those receiving grants, subsidies or stipends of some nature from Uncle Sam. I think it was H.L. Mencken who touched eruditiously on this antinomy when he said,* ‘Democracy is an exercise in pillage and each election is a referendum on future stolen property.’ The antinomy being that from a flawed system driven by a ostensibly single underlying, corrupting, political process, the greater economic common good is better served by the one party favoring self-interest and the more productive elite minority.

Voting for Democrats is, at least in respect to America’s economy, quite simply throwing out the good in pursuit of the perfect - the practical for the ideal. Americans seem to have a terrible time these days accepting that timeless colloquial maxim, that everything in politics is a choice between the lesser of two evils. Sorry guys, but just because you don’t like either Party very well, you still gotta choose. So you might as well be practical and choose the one that at least has a vague recollection how to balance a checkbook, has the 'immoral' constitution necessary to terminate an underperforming employee and knows how to create something other than a government job.

Politicians who believe they can 'fix everything' historically and inevitably do more damage than good. This widespread belief that America is broken and needs to be overhauled is dangerous. We’d all be a lot better off if our leaders and our citizenry were content with making small improvements over time. I apologize for raining on many of the idealistic Obamanista’s parades out there, but as far as our economy is concerned, trickle down is better than nothing and there is no 'third way'.

*I very well might be the first person in human history to use those two words together in the same sentence.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Was Santa Clause a Conservative?

Thank you Doug. You and I have concertedly for most of a year now strived our utmost to throw light on the most perplexing issues of our era. I now propose to you and our listeners that we not only have a cultural war on our hands, but worse yet, a ‘Santa Claus Crisis’! It all goes back to that ‘naughty or nice’ thing. Have recent generations really been rewarded differently when they were children dependent upon their individual good or bad behavior? I know I had my doubts early on, since even though I was clearly the more exemplary child in every respect, my two brothers enjoyed consistently equal holiday compensation.

Did Santa Claus ever deny a child a present because they were just plain rotten? Did drugs? Cheated at school? Tortured the family cat?

I’d like to think that at one time, a long time ago, it made a difference to Santa and others how kid’s behaved. But clearly today that would be impossible since it would require making an actual personal judgment about what is good or bad, naughty or nice. Plus we’d have to hold children responsible for their behavior. Just think of the irreparable psychological damage that could be done if we denied one of our children a Christmas present for any reason! It’s bad enough that some children get lavish, expensive gifts while others receive only menial K-Mart trinkets! On the grounds of the need for achieving higher self-esteem for young people everywhere I propose immediate emergency national legislation to equalize the monetary value of Christmas gifts to all children under 18, even those in prison. None should receive a gift worth more than $29.95, the national mean average for a Christmas present! ( Price check by )

Yes, friends and listeners, we have a Santa Clause crisis. Are we a nation where wealth and position are determined by virtuous behavior and individual judgment, or a ‘St. Nickocracy’ where all benefit equally irrespective of their individual hard work, free decisions and self-restraint? Can we ever agree again, as a people, on what behaviors should or should not be rewarded?

Alas, I’m afraid Santa is no longer a conservative. Though at one time I think that he most certainly was. If he hadn't been, he would never have imposed such ridiculous conditions like being “naughty or nice” as a prerequisite for judicious Christmas remuneration in the first place.


FREEDOM FORUM – 12/18/99
