Saturday, October 25, 2014

2+2 = 5

Appearing at a Boston rally for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley on Friday, Hillary Clinton told the crowd gathered at the Park Plaza Hotel not to listen to anybody who says that “businesses create jobs.”

“Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs,” Clinton said.
“You know that old theory, ‘trickle-down economics,’” she continued. “That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly.”
“You know, one of the things my husband says when people say ‘Well, what did you bring to Washington,’ he said, ‘Well, I brought arithmetic,’” Clinton said, which elicited loud laughs from the crowd.

Big Lie or Big Stupid ... who can tell?  First these new Progressive wizards of smart have the unbridled intellectual audacity to portend that raising the cost of labor won't reduce demand (Minimum wage hike doesn't mean fewer jobs), that more food stamp recipients are good for the economy (More welfare creates more demand?), and now they proclaim that private capital investment isn't the best source for economic development (Guv can invest your money better than you?).  Thank God the crowd laughed, as laughing is the only commensurate response.  We can only hope they are laughing at and not with.  Maybe you and Bill should have 'brought algebra' to Washington Hillary....

M.D.T    10/14

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tea Anyone?

Conservative House members believe that Obamacare will ultimately bankrupt our country, whose debt has soared even more dangerously under Obama's presidency, and that to make no attempt to stop it or dramatically modify it, right now, would be both financially and morally unconscionable.  Fiscal rectitude is at the ideological heart of American conservatism.  The Right might feud over social issues and foreign interventionism, but is eternally wedded on the social and economic ill-effects of over-spending government and punishing debt. Would the left behave any more 'reasonably' than the House Conservatives if a national ban on abortion or the progressive income tax were passed into law? Governments make mistakes, and they need to be fixed.  And akin to misbegotten war, frequently there are few, if any, effective half-measure retreats.  Obamacare is such a mistake.... and a super-majority of American's now agree.

And for those of you who argue that Obama was reelected and the people voted for this and it was confirmed by the Supreme Court I ask you: would you empower a drug addict to define and create policy for the availability of illegal narcotics?  And what would you prescribe for a cure for a nation of drug addicts voting on those same measures? The majority of Americans have now become  addicts... and pusher-man-government programs are the narcotics.

What's it going to take to break our intractable, inexorable addiction to more and yet even more government spending?  I don't have a realistic answer and it very well may be pointless and tactically ill-timed to try to attempt to derail the Oblivion Express right now... around this issue.  But one shouldn't disparage, demean and excoriate a perhaps slightly overzealous, fiscally prudent and principled minority of citizens for trying.... and I can say with apodictic certainty that the requisite trillions of budget cutting required to maintain our nation's financial viability will never happen via reasonable discussion and compromise.

Might a default on the nation's debt now, by choice, perhaps prove ultimately less damaging than one by necessity later?


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fanatic in Chief

After digesting the latest State of the Union address, it appears to me that Obama's lifetime goal just very well might be to be perceived as the most caring and morally indignant President in history irrespective of any and all lasting damage his policies might incur to the country's economic health and long term fiscal viability.  For him I believe it's always all about fairness and never effectiveness. His is, methinks, almost solely a moral crusade. What prudent, practical and rational person could believe that raising minimum wage won't destroy jobs and reduce employment opportunity? That national Head-Start will actually improve long-term educational performance? That fighting Quixotic global warming won't raise energy costs and undermine economic recovery? That imposing more taxes on top producers won't deter business investment? That extending state-subsidized health care to the uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions won't raise costs?  I contend that the President and his acolytes couldn't possibly be so stupid as to believe these programs can deliver as sold, but, in fact, they just can't bring themselves to stand by passively in a world, they perceive, whose wholesale inequities so deeply offend their delicate and refined supra-egalitarian sensibilities.* There appears to be no limit to neither their shotgun social solutions nor their willingness to print money.  Obama is, to date, among Presidents, perhaps our nation's boldest and most disconnected embodiment of morally intolerant liberalism run amok. It's difficult not to arrive at the conclusion that the more his policies fail, the more ardently he believes in them and the more of the same he advocates. We're, in effect, doubling and tripling down on failure.  And that, by any sane measure, is the very definition of ... fanaticism.

The Crux of the Biscuit is that we as a nation have tacitly and perhaps unconsciously collectively agreed to the idea that it's OK for government to instigate unproven, potentially economically disastrous and ill-conceived social experiments in the name of fairness and compassion: that our system is so malevolent and effete that at worst, radical measures are required  and at best, acceptable.  What beats the hell out of me is why anyone running around spending someone else's money while simultaneously getting rich themselves meets our standards for a Nobel prize or a distinguished seat in our nation's Pantheon.  But, then again, our standards are the most vital issue of all now ... aren't they?.

Why people with high levels of mental skills and rhetorical talents would tie themselves into knots with such reasoning is a mystery. Perhaps it is just that they cannot give up a social vision that is so flattering to themselves, despite how detrimental it may be to the people they claim to be helping.     Thomas Sowell


Monday, November 12, 2012

Blame the Blamers

According to exit polls, 53% still blame Bush for our ongoing economic malaise. And that's exactly why some of we conservatives think that Romney losing may have been the best thing - because no meaningful national redirection can come about until Americans quit blaming the bogeyman and put the blame for what could be a decade plus long recession where it belongs: massive government overspending and borrowing - massive government direct and indirect capital misallocation  - unprecedented levels of regulation - government readopting historically dis-proven Keynsian monetary policy and - themselves. Or, in layman's terms: 1) guv spending way more than they take in 2) letting some guv-guys who can't lose their jobs or money invest your tax dollars 3) guv telling everybody what they can sell, where they can sell it and how they can sell it  4) guv printing money to pay for what they can't wring out of you or borrow from someone else and 5) your own bad self.

One can't rule out the frightening possibility that the majority of American's might never figure this out.  Especially now when you have these new Progressives in power, actually telling us the entire system is rigged. Blaming big-business and the rich is so much easier for those selling it and for those emotionally impaired enough to buy it.  As many banana boat nations have demonstrated, blame can become a way of's always the imperialists!*  Gee. Let's see. Which is easier ...  blaming others or not looking quite as hard as you might for that new job to get off unemployment; blaming others or having to repay all of your student loan back as agreed; blaming others or admitting it was your own bad decision to buy a house costing twice what you could afford on an adjustable rate mortgage; blaming others or paying for your own birth control pills; blaming others or else admitting that your child's educational failure might be due to something besides underfunding; blaming others or giving up your hard lobbying-won tax deduction; blaming others or admitting that government green job creation is a black hole; blaming others or being too proud to take government handouts;  blaming others or taking responsibility for your own life  .... ad infinitum nauseum.
We've barely begun making the difficult, requisite changes required for a meaningful, long-term economic recovery... and it's no one's fault but they, the bloody, blaming 53%.  Sorry Mitt, Paul and Ron. You couldn't convince them. You were 4 years too early.  They just don't get it yet. Sadly, since it's still too early, it means it's probably too late. The Dems think they can just magically freeze the clock on the next perhaps even more debilitating financial meltdown by borrowing propping up the less productive. But der ain't no magic dat change when da sun come up or when it go down. And the next time it goes down, odds are the night may get even darker and colder.  If the owl of Minerva ever flies, this time she'll fly at dawn, and it's only just past midnight... 'a long, long, long, long, time, before the dawn'.**
*Yankee go home!  Damn it all!  We're the Yankees and we are home!  All right then...China go home!  Mexico go home!  Tax the rich!  It's not my fault!

Incredibly enough Hugo Chavez, post mortem, blames gringos for his cancer!  Quote 'Claimed the socialist leader had been 'infected by imperialist enemies'

**Speak out - You got to speak out against the madness - You got to speak your mind - if you dare
Crosby Stills & Nash - Long Time Gone

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Not on Facebook

My perception is that this long paralyzing decession has sapped much of the animal spirits out of the entrepreneurial class in America - a class whom with each passing year, methinks, is growing smaller as a percentage of population and who is becoming increasingly discouraged about their future prospects. We've more Americans that want to make a difference, but fewer with the intellectual autonomy, character and drive to do so. President Obama mirrors this new emerging, less competitive, individualistic and independent national character.  The majority of people now either want or need to be taken care of to some greater or lesser degree.  The people who drive our economy, the people who create jobs and aspire to make life better for the many, the people who pay 40% of the taxes, the people who end recessions see an America, the bulk of whose citizens are shunning responsibility and in respect to fixing the country's most serious problems, have no sense of practicality whatsoever: they see an America that is made up of more people looking to procure aid from the system than not, who care more about being green and narcissisticaly feeling good about themselves than working long hours*, doing what free markets dictate needs to be done, or getting materially ahead and raising a family.

There are now two generations of Americans most of whom don't even desire the American Dream as it has been known in the past; a house in a good neighborhood, two or three beautiful kids, a job with a solid and respected company ( not many of those left by their measure! ) Virtually all of their scarce disposable dollars are being spent on $4 coffees, the next generation of smart phones, Netflix subscriptions, video games, gym memberships and sun glasses.  They have been conditioned to be deeply suspicious about the profit motive. They believe greed is the primary economic mal de force. An America with nominal economic growth is OK by them.  Materialism just ain't chic. Better no economic growth than driving more carbon-fueled cars around, fracking our beloved terra firma, increasing the population, suppressing anti-democratic uprisings around the world, bio-engineering our food supply, having uninsured citizens, consuming a greater share of the world's resources, or increasing inequality.  These are our new national values.  These are the values Obama mirrors.  These are not the values required to build a new and prosperous America.  These are the values of national economic decline. 

The only thing sustainable about sustainability is stagnation...

*Speaking of working long hours have we ever had a President that works less than this one?  


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Monsters From the Id

It's more than likely impossible to reasonably explain mass societal self-delusion on an historical scale.  Our present toxic, socio-psycho-cultural-economic declinations reminds me a great deal of a central  theme from the great classic sci-fi film, Forbidden Planet, where we, like the advanced Krell civilization, are having the foundations of our free society destroyed by our own unconscious 'monsters from the Id'. How much personal liberty are we willing to relinquish and how much economic and intellectual self-punishment are western societies willing to self-inflict to absolve themselves from their original sin.... the God-given gift/curse of self-consciousness.... and the accompaning both enviable and pitiable awareness that we, as a species, forever and intractably, stand alone outside of the natural order and all of creation looking in - that we can never truly understand our role in the natural order - that we'll forever be, from ourselves, at our very essence ... intruders.

Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?  Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has a great empty hole through the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.  Wyatt Earp: What does he need?  Doc Holliday: Revenge.  Wyatt Earp: For what?  Doc Holliday: Being born.

From the movie Tombstone


Monday, July 2, 2012

Ultimate Libertarian Bumper Sticker

