Monday, November 12, 2012

Blame the Blamers

According to exit polls, 53% still blame Bush for our ongoing economic malaise. And that's exactly why some of we conservatives think that Romney losing may have been the best thing - because no meaningful national redirection can come about until Americans quit blaming the bogeyman and put the blame for what could be a decade plus long recession where it belongs: massive government overspending and borrowing - massive government direct and indirect capital misallocation  - unprecedented levels of regulation - government readopting historically dis-proven Keynsian monetary policy and - themselves. Or, in layman's terms: 1) guv spending way more than they take in 2) letting some guv-guys who can't lose their jobs or money invest your tax dollars 3) guv telling everybody what they can sell, where they can sell it and how they can sell it  4) guv printing money to pay for what they can't wring out of you or borrow from someone else and 5) your own bad self.

One can't rule out the frightening possibility that the majority of American's might never figure this out.  Especially now when you have these new Progressives in power, actually telling us the entire system is rigged. Blaming big-business and the rich is so much easier for those selling it and for those emotionally impaired enough to buy it.  As many banana boat nations have demonstrated, blame can become a way of's always the imperialists!*  Gee. Let's see. Which is easier ...  blaming others or not looking quite as hard as you might for that new job to get off unemployment; blaming others or having to repay all of your student loan back as agreed; blaming others or admitting it was your own bad decision to buy a house costing twice what you could afford on an adjustable rate mortgage; blaming others or paying for your own birth control pills; blaming others or else admitting that your child's educational failure might be due to something besides underfunding; blaming others or giving up your hard lobbying-won tax deduction; blaming others or admitting that government green job creation is a black hole; blaming others or being too proud to take government handouts;  blaming others or taking responsibility for your own life  .... ad infinitum nauseum.
We've barely begun making the difficult, requisite changes required for a meaningful, long-term economic recovery... and it's no one's fault but they, the bloody, blaming 53%.  Sorry Mitt, Paul and Ron. You couldn't convince them. You were 4 years too early.  They just don't get it yet. Sadly, since it's still too early, it means it's probably too late. The Dems think they can just magically freeze the clock on the next perhaps even more debilitating financial meltdown by borrowing propping up the less productive. But der ain't no magic dat change when da sun come up or when it go down. And the next time it goes down, odds are the night may get even darker and colder.  If the owl of Minerva ever flies, this time she'll fly at dawn, and it's only just past midnight... 'a long, long, long, long, time, before the dawn'.**
*Yankee go home!  Damn it all!  We're the Yankees and we are home!  All right then...China go home!  Mexico go home!  Tax the rich!  It's not my fault!

Incredibly enough Hugo Chavez, post mortem, blames gringos for his cancer!  Quote 'Claimed the socialist leader had been 'infected by imperialist enemies'

**Speak out - You got to speak out against the madness - You got to speak your mind - if you dare
Crosby Stills & Nash - Long Time Gone

1 comment:

  1. Doug Verily this is the Truth FoleyDecember 22, 2012 at 7:58 AM

    "Sadly, since it's still too early, it means it's probably too late."

    This should have been the title of the piece - with "Blame the Blamers" the subtitle. How true, how true. Coming up to this election I was altogether convinced that the national vote and presidential result would tell me everything I needed to know about America. And it did. Yes, every constituency has its swell of mixed ideas and different reasons -- but having read enough and spoken enough to various Obama supporters, it is now my conviction that this cool crowd majority (50% plus just a little) who successfully voted in our own Nero -- who will fiddle while Rome burns -- represent an anti-America movement that stands on a hollowed-out American character of gimme gimme my benefits and free stuff and don't-you-dare cut any programs. That means, inevitably higher taxes, less productivity and, in the end, since there is never going to be enough money even if you take it all from the "rich" -- inflation and hyperinflation from the pumped up printing presses of the federal reserve. No, it is too late. We are doomed. Enjoy the last drops in the wine glass because the ride down ain't going to be pretty -- and the landing will be a crash - and a sheer disaster.
