Sunday, June 21, 2009

A New Panegyric for Revolution

The most remarkable thing about Revolutionaries is how they so hate Revolution. Yes, they are the ultimate NIMBYs -- once they got theirs, nobody else is entitled. According to all Revolutionaries, Revolution (read: their Revolution) is wonderful, it represents the will of the people, sets up a much needed Thugocracy, whether it be Marxist or Religious in character and always ends up replacing one evil King with another evil King or, in the case of Iran, a counsel of bearded evil Kings. Revolutions are supposed to be one-way - my revolution is the Last Revolution. Hitler and Hess broadcast the same notion: "woe to those who would revolt against the revolution." (Yes, they really did say that). Well, the only way to end revolution is to allow the ultimate revolutionary floodgates to be opened - and to give people a Republic, a Constitutional Libertarian based government and the freedom to change leadership. In reviewing the struggle of man to be free, one has to work back, in amazement, over the past 2500 years of Western Accomplishment - initiated in Greece, continued by Rome and preserved for all of us in institutions modeled on these ancient principles by our founding fathers. Yes, our country is founded on Roman principles of Comitia Curiata, Senate, original division of powers, limited terms of office, independence of action - checks and counter-balances. The infectious pollen of freedom was first born by the flower of Greece, continued into the construction of the Republic after the overthrown of the Tarquin kings of Rome - blood upon blood spilled from the veins of men desiring freedom. The best way to preserve a revolution is to allow people to speak through the ballot box while ensuring fundamental freedoms that no majority or minority can take away -- even through the ballot box. So, after the sacrifices of life and fortune of the courageous many who have spoken for freedom over the millenia -- what do we have today? Obama is afraid to speak up and be accused of "meddling" in Iranian affairs. Diane Feinstein says that "we don't want our fingerprints on what is happening in Iran" and we have to watch what we say. If the people who founded this country and sailed to America in leaky boats 400 years ago to start this country had this much courage, they would have never have left the harbor.

Doug Foley

1 comment:

  1. You gleaned my inference on 'Apothegm' perfectly in your piece. This administration is so paralyzed by moral relativity and the sheer political complexity, (It's a curse being able to see all those grey areas sometimes) and the international ramifications of a million Iranians rioting in the streets that they will have to take a poll before they know what to do. Something tells me we've been handed an opportunity of historical magnitude, the chance to instill a real democracy in yet another mideast country thereby perhaps tipping the balance meaningfully toward individual freedom for generations, and we're about to blow it. I know what Reagan and probably even George Bush would do, and that would be to call for an immediate new election monitored by the U.N. at the threat of increased sanctions. Israel must be thinking, 'What a great time to take out them nukes'. Did you hear about those two female American journalist being taken prisoner and tried on the Chinese border of North Korea and sentenced to 8 or 12 years at hard labor? Not a God damn word from our President demanding their release. With this kind of limp-spined diplomacy something really, really bad could happen in the next few years.

