Monday, August 8, 2011


I've surely plenty of company with those whom when the year 1984 passed by quietly without major event, we somehow felt a small pang of disappointment. Well, better late than never! Endless similes have been made to Orwell's fabled, literary, distopian slogan, "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength", but probably none more viscerally quizzical and unsettling, til now, than Nancy Pelosi's equating the Tea Party's staunch opposition to increasing the country's debt limit as 'acting like terrorists'; essentially denoting that Fiscal Prudence is Terrorism. Or to express it more Pelosian... Government borrowing good, balanced budgets un-american. The pigs have moved into the farmhouse, are sleeping in the human's beds and we're all supposed to work harder and pay more taxes to make them comfortable and keep our mouth's shut. There are now two sets of rules; one for our leaders and another for us.

Not beyond a stretch of the imagination that we might soon see, in our neo-orwellian America, a new bumper sticker on leftist's cars, Expand Guantanamo ..... to make room for the Tea Party, the new terrorists.  After all, hasn't our would be patriotic American left already labeled Christians the American Taliban?


  1. Language. Consider the power to twist words and meanings to the point that you can work yourself to the opposite of what the word or phrase originally means. Hence, The "Peoples" Republic of China; the "Peoples" Liberation Army; the German "Democratic" Republic (DDR). When I first read 1984 in 1968, I must confess that I was unable to conceive of anyone who could actually believe that Freedom could ever considered to be Slavery or that War could be equated with peace. And yet, what do we hear now from the Left? Nothing but eerie, other worldly linguistic formulations unanchored to thought or reason, and jumbled word paradoxes that would make Orwell proud. Joe Biden: "It is your patriotic duty to pay taxes -- in other words: "Patriotism is taxation." You MUST purchase health care in order to achieve universal coverage and keep down the cost of health care according to the Obama Health care legislation. In other words: "To save the free market we must destroy the free market." And "We have to pass the bill Health Care)to see what is in the Bill (Nancy Pelosi)." In other words, "The democratic process is about achieving a result without knowing or caring about how you arrive at the result." And one of my favorite Pelosian comments: "We must investigate the people who are funding the opposition to the Mosque." In other words, anyone who dares to question anything thrown into the face of society in the name of social diversity -- regardless of how absurd it is, or the consequences, deserves to be investigated.

    1984, which was written in 1948 (yes, he purposefully reversed the last two digits for literary and futuristic effect)is an eternal work. It doesn't describe a year, it describes a state of mind born from the speech and idea twisters of the ages.

  2. How about extending umemployment benefits creates jobs? Gots to smokes a lot of weed to gets to that kinds of fuzzy thinking...

  3. How about to fix a decimated economy resulting from too much debt we have to borrow more money?
